Why I'm Not Playing SW:TOR
I’d been thinking about it, but fears of WoW-creep have lingered. I spent about 5 years in WoW, I’m not going back. There are some features of a character driven MMO that are appealing in a way that Internet Spaceships is not. Incarna was a botched attempt at this, but does show that having an avatar is something many players want. I loved gearing up my Hunter, but got frustrated with the constant “gear resets” that each patch added. So deep in the recesses of my brain, I have been hoping for SW:TOR to swoop in, beloved droids bee-booping and lightsabers flashing and sweep me off my feet.
Then Poetic posted a link to this. Images of dancing in Orgrimmar waiting for Raid/BG/Dungeon/Something to Grind flooded into my brain. And the interface looks… identical?
No thanks.