KOTM Turberfield Edition
Of The 843 Exhumers destroyed in Jan 2012, 409 were in high sec, 10 low, 406 null and 18 wormhole space. - CCP Diagoras
If I am reading this correctly, somehow 409 Exhumers were killed by high-sec belt or mission rats in January. What? How? I have a Hulk. With literally any shield mod you care to throw on that ship, this should not be possible. You can walk away for fifteen minutes and come back to find a belt full of high-sec rats plinking away at your shields to no avail.
<div style="text-align: left;">
</div><div style="text-align: left;">I have no further words for this.
Update: Apparently 121 of those were in Incursions, I assume doing that mining thing I’ve heard about. But that still leaves 288 taken out by other NPCs</div>