Fanfest 2014 and TwitchTV
So, it has been a busy few weeks. I moved, again. I am refinishing multiple pieces of furniture. And in Eve I am making a lot of transitions that have left me with a bunch of half written articles, but no time to edit them into postable stuff. But I did follow FanFest pretty closely.
There were a lot of things announced: Legion, new ships, the “new” dev cycle, and other stuff I am forgetting. I tried to follow it as close I can, and I bought the HD Stream through Twitch TV.
While the content of FanFest was great, I have been rather disappointed by the stream. I work during normal business hours in the US EST timezone. Because of this I was hoping to use the mobile app on my iPhone to listen while working as I could, and then come home and watch the other panels while unpacking the new place. This did not really work out so well.
The mobile app for Twitch is pretty awful. Laggy, drops connections all the time even with good data signals, and worst of all, it plays advertisements on a stream I paid for access to. That last bit is just plain stupid and greedy. Nothing quite matches the experience of the feed dying, reloading the app, and then having to sit through 30 secs of ad roll just to get back to the presentation. Bush league stuff, Twitch.
Second, and I am not sure if this is on Twitch or CCP, but it is almost a day after the end of FanFest, and of about 54 panels that I can count on the schedule, 16 have been uploaded to watch after the fact. That is 30% of the panels. So paying for the HD stream was not really worth it, from the perspective of being able to see most of what happened.
Edit: Apparently roundtables were not recorded, at all. That sucks, but I just didn’t notice it when I bought the stream. I guess caveat emptor. Still waiting on CCP Presents, or anything from Saturday though. Would have been nice had that been uploaded before the work week starts.
I’ve delayed a few posts, especially regarding Industry stuff, because I wanted to see what came out at FanFest before writing up my takes on everything. We’ll see what gets posted in the next few days, but I am not too hopeful at this point.
All that said, I enjoyed being able to see the Keynotes and a few other panels, and overall I am impressed with a lot of the decisions CCP is making going forward in the Eve Universe. I hope to get a few posts up this week with the information we do have, especially regarding the future of Eve, as I think a lot of things can be inferred from the news over the last few weeks!