My Little Corner of the Cluster
So ice changes, they are a coming. Not sure how this is going to shake out. Jester wrote an interesting take on why it might be a good idea to remove ice from high sec in the long run, and why it’s ok for prices to go up. I disagree.
First there is the problem of POSes. For small group and industrial groups working in non-null space, the cost and effort of maintaining POSes is not insignifigant, and any real consideration of running one has to balance the cost of fuel against the potential profits from running said POS. For a medium or large, this is already a bit of a constraint for some players, at least from an initial setup and first few months of run time. Especially if you live in HS or LS. In high sec you can only do so much at a POS, and in low sec you have to manage the supply chain of getting the damn blocks to your towers. You don’t have the same intel channels and blue donut protecting you. You also don’t have the same level of juicy targets to distract would-be attackers.
Second, you have the issue of inflation or across the board price increases, and the resulting impact on players who want to do research and invention. Raise the cost of doing business, and everything else goes up in cost. This brilliantly follows Malcanis’s Law that any changes hurt new players more than old players. Those who have a POS, an industry chain, and/or an income stream can probably just tweak prices. For newer players, you have just raised the bar to entry on the POS, via fuel, and many of the income sources for players, by making the ships and modules that facilitate isk making more expensive. Especially for new players who do not have access (via skills and standings) or money for the missions and ships that can easily print money. Increased POS costs will result in increased invention costs, which will result in increased T2 costs for hulls and modules. Overall, this will serve to depress new player ability to engage in PvE or PvP, or at least slow down the process of gearing up and moving on to the next step of the missioning/mining/exploring efficiency equation.
I understand that the price of ice affects many things going on in null and low sec, such as strategic POS placement, null industry (hee hee), cap production, and anything involving jumping ships through cynos. So by increasing the cost of POSes, you can increase the cost of caps and super caps moving around the cluster. This second thing may be good, I’m not sure. But if you want to make cynos more expensive, maybe the fuel for cynos and the fuel for POSes should be two different things?
If the goal is to slow down the cynos of veteran players, maybe there is a solution that doesn’t make the game comparatively more difficult for those who don’t use cynos, or don’t care to get involved in the affairs of null or low sec. That group that doesn’t care, they are the largest player base in Eve. They live in high sec, low sec, and wormholes. Let’s not make the game harder on the majority just to address the minority.