<div style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div>Rollin’ along.  Trading on the margins.  I need to move some inventory at this point, my balance is getting a bit heavy in non-liquid assets.  I have a breather from non-Eve obligations tomorrow, so I’ll be working on that a bit.  Development of additional alts will also likely be on the docket, or at least seeding them.  My posts this week have been a  bit shorter due to:

<ul><li>Finals.  I’m in school and those take a fair bit of work.</li><li>P90X workouts.  Roc would be so proud.  I’m working on my meat-space capsule and damn if those don’t kick you in the arse.</li><li>Once you get the hang of buying high and selling low, most of the work becomes updating orders and browsing the market for trends and deals.  There is not much technique, just a lot of reading the charts and graphs.</li></ul><div>Also, my goal is revised.  I want to clear 1 billion isk and have enough to keep rolling by cashing in for two PLEXes.  As Hulkageddon is going strong, I am not bringing as much income in on my miner account.</div>